Here’s Why It’s the Ideal Solution for Babies (and Parents)

a mother with a child at a pediatrician's examination

Naturally Nutritious, Well-tolerated Goat Milk

Breast milk is the best milk for babies’ proper nutrition,1 but when parents need other feeding options or want to supplement breastfeeding with formula, goat milk formula is ideal.2,3

Like human breast milk, goat milk formula’s main source of calories comes from the carbohydrate lactose.3 Lactose is what gives babies energy, making up 40-45% of the calories in human milk.3 When lactose breaks down, it forms oligosaccharides which serve as a prebiotic and help develop babies’ immune systems, gut microbiomes and brain cognition.3-6

Goat Bottle

“I love having a formula that’s easier to digest than all the other cow milk formulas, with clean, high-quality ingredients from a company I trust.”

~ Christie from Texas
Mom, Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner & Owner of Natural Choice Pediatrics

Closer to Human Breast Milk, Easier to Digest Than Cow Milk

While goat milk-based formula is fairly new to the US, European healthcare professionals have seen babies thrive on it for more than a century.3 Both goat milk and human breast milk are composed of easily digestible A2 proteins, unlike cow milk formula’s harder to digest A1 proteins (which some babies just can’t tolerate).3 Goat milk naturally contains 6-10 times more oligosaccharides than cow milk, too—an extra bonus for babies’ development.3

Discover why healthcare professionals and parents love the benefits of goat milk formula.

When Babies Feel Comfortable, Parents Feel Better, Too

When breastfeeding alone isn’t an option, parents can rest easy when you recommend a gentle, easy-to-digest goat milk formula designed with an infant’s nutrition in mind.2,3 The digestive benefits help improve an infant’s comfort over cow milk formula, making for less gas, constipation and fussiness3—so everyone can get a good night’s sleep.

Compare the Science: 6 Key Differences Between Goat Milk Formula and Cow Milk Formula

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Gentler A2 proteins3

It’s no surprise infants find human milk the easiest to digest, due in part to the A2 beta‑casein proteins and looser curds formed in the stomach.3 Like breast milk, goat milk formula’s combination of A2 beta-casein and softer, smaller curds make it easier to digest than cow milk’s A1 beta‑casein proteins.3

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Smaller, softer curds3

Cow milk produces firmer, denser curds to digest, which can cause fussiness, gas or constipation.3 Parents often mistake these signs for a lactose intolerance—which is rare in infants under 5 years of age.7 Compared to cow milk, breast milk and goat milk contain little alpha S1 casein, which contributes to the softer, smaller curd.3 Rather than eliminate natural lactose, consider the casein causing all the fuss. Compare for yourself.

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Easier-to-digest whey3

Protein is a critical macronutrient required for babies’ proper growth.3 Both cow milk and goat milk proteins are made up of a balance of whey and casein.3 Goat milk whey is easier to digest than cow milk whey due to its structural β‑lactoglobulin differences.3 Studies show goat milk’s β‑lactoglobulin degrades even faster than cow milk’s β‑lactoglobulin, making it easier to digest.3

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More oligosaccharides3

Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are the third largest component of human milk, and they contribute to the development of the digestive system, the immune system and the gut microbiota and help improve brain development and cognition.3-6 Similarly, goat milk formula contains a high level of oligosaccharides—in fact, it’s 6 times higher than in cow milk formula.3,8

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Higher level of nucleotides3

Another benefit of goat milk formula is the higher level of nucleotides naturally occurring at 4‑5 times the amount found in cow milk formula.3 Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA that help regulate both metabolism and sleep.3

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Reduces GI discomfort3

Goat milk formula is proven to decrease gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort faster in infants with mild GI issues as compared to cow milk formula.3 That’s because goat milk’s A2 proteins are less likely to cause hard stools, bloating or abdominal pain often associated with cow milk’s A1 proteins.3 Easier digestion improves an infant’s comfort.

~ Diana from Florida, Family Nurse Practitioner
“Thank you for letting me share Kabrita! We love it! I am always excited when another patient tries Kabrita and loves it. Their excitement spills over into me!”
~ Rebecca from Tennessee, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
“The two things I value most about Kabrita are that it is easy to digest, so it helps with tummy troubles, and it’s nutritionally complete.”
~ Kim from New Jersey, Mom & Registered Dietitian
“When choosing a formula, I knew that goat milk is much easier to digest than cow milk. Kabrita is free from refined sugars and does not use pesticides, antibiotics or hormones, which is essential to me as a mom and dietitian.”

Kabrita Goat Milk Infant Formula arrives later this year!

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View the full lineup of Kabrita goat milk-based products available today on our website.

a mother with a child

Kabrita Goat Milk Infant Formula, a Formula You’ll Feel Good Recommending

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With so much goodness, you may wonder why you haven’t heard much about goat milk infant formula in the United States. Kabrita Goat Milk Infant Formula is the first long-term FDA-authorized infant goat milk formula that has met all US and European requirements for babies’ nutritional needs. In a double-blind, randomized, controlled study comparing Kabrita to cow milk formula, it was proven to provide adequate growth, good tolerability and safety for infants.2

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Kabrita is made from natural goat milk from the Netherlands, the dairy center of the world, and produced to the highest quality standards by industry leader Ausnutria. There are no GMO ingredients, glyphosate, corn syrup or maltodextrin—ever.

To meet the gold standard of human breast milk, Kabrita adapts its natural protein ratio of whey:casein to match breast milk’s 60:40 ratio.3 Proteins are an important part of an infant’s nutrition.3

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Unlike other formulas, Kabrita contains unique β‑palmitate (OPO), a natural component of human breast milk.3 It helps promote regular stool consistency and reduce crying episodes so babies feel more comfortable and get an improved quality of sleep.3

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Kabrita Goat Milk Infant Formula helps support visual and brain development, too.3 It’s complete with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA), two types of omega fatty acids necessary for developing tiny brains and vision.3 It’s important to get babies’ nutrition right from the very start.

1. About Breastfeeding. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated April 4, 2023. Accessed May 24, 2023. 2. He T, Woudstra F, Panzer F, Haandrikman A, Verkade HJ, van Lee L. Goat milk based infant formula in newborns: A double-blind randomized controlled trial on growth and safety. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2022;75(2):215-220. 3. Ausnutria Compendium. Gentle Goat Milk Formula. Ausnutria Nutrition Institute. 2022. 4. Wiciński M, Sawicka E, Gębalski J, Kubiak K, Malinowski B. Human milk oligosaccharides: health benefits, potential applications in infant formulas, and pharmacology. Nutrients. 2020;12(1):266. 5. Bode L. Human milk oligosaccharides: Every baby needs a sugar mama. Glycobiology. 2012;22(9):1147-1162. 6. Docq S, Spoelder M, Wang W, Homberg JR. The protective and long-lasting effects of human milk oligosaccharides on cognition in mammals. Nutrients. 2020;12(11):3572. 7. Malik TF, Panuganti KK. Lactose Intolerance. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; February 12, 2023. 8. Van Leeuwen SS, Te Poele EM, Chatziioannou AC, Benjamins E, Haandrikman AJ, Dijkhuizen L. Goat milk oligosaccharides: Their diversity, quantity, and functional properties in comparison to human milk oligosaccharides. J Agric Food Chem. 2020;68(47):13469–13485. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c03766